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The Robert Connor Dawes Foundation @ Connor's Run

Connor's Run is an annual fun run which raises funds for brain cancer research in Australia. It is hosted by the Robert Connor Dawes foundation in tribute to Robert Connor Dawes, who unfortunately passed away from brain cancer in 2013, the year the run began.  In 2024, it successfully raised $1.7 million.


Here are some of the initiatives that the RCD foundation contributes to with these proceeds:

  • the Brain Cancer Vaccine project: developing an mRNA vaccine against common brain tumour markers in partnership with the University of Queensland.

  • the AIM project: validating brain cancer diagnostics through examination of epigenetics and translating tests into the clinic in partnership with the Federal Government.

  • Glioblastoma immunotherapy: researching engineered T cell immunotherapy against glioblastomas in partnership with the Jenkins Laboratory at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI)​


BSS members began running in 2023 and we are committed to continuing our participation to this wonderful cause.


For more information:

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